Social Bonus (Electric power)

Social Bonus (Electric power)

On October 7 and October 9, 2017 Royal Decree 897/2017, of October 6, was published, which regulates the figure of the vulnerable consumer, the social bonus and other protection measures for domestic consumers of energy. Electricity and Order ETU / 943/2017, of...

Paddle School in Rafal

If you like sports and your favorite is paddle tennis, do not miss the opportunity to learn or improve your technique. Do not wait another minute and register by calling 606 783 287. Regarding schedules, do not worry and check all the available options to adjust your...
Multisport school in Rafal

Multisport school in Rafal

Are you a lover of all sports? If your child is between 3 and 10 years old and wants to practice basketball, handball, tennis, paddle tennis, acrossport, gymnastics, body language and much more, do not miss the Multisport School 2018-2019. If you want to expand the...

Paddle School in Rafal

If you like sports and your favorite is paddle tennis, do not miss the opportunity to learn or improve your technique. Do not wait another minute and register by calling 606 783 287. Regarding schedules, do not worry and check all the available options to adjust your...