
D. Manuel Pineda Cuenca.

Department of Institutional Relations and Environment.


Dª. María Noemí Cutillas Martínez (1º Teniente Alcalde).

Department of Social Services, Citizen Participation, Employment and Training.

D. Francisco Jesús García Gómez (2º Teniente Alcalde).

Regidoria d’Educació, Sanitat, Consum, Coordinació d’Àrees i Seguretat Ciutadana.

Dª. Yolanda Leal Monera.

Council of Protocol, Senior Citizens, Equality, Culture, Commerce, Markets and Transportation.

D. Alberto Hidalgo Griñan.

Concejalía de Festejos Populares, Services and Public Works.

Dª. Silvia Pastor Pellicer.

Concejalía de Hacienda, Urbanism, Internal Regime, Personnel, Communication and New Technologies.

D. José Yeray Paredes Martínez (3º Teniente Alcalde).

Department of Sports, Youth and Tourism.

Municipal Group Popular Party

Dª. Mª Dolores Navarro Cayuelas.

Dª. Encarnación Fernández Manresa.

D. Alberto Pastor Maciá.

Dª. María Carmen Sáez Martínez.